Please Kindly Join Only One Network Do NOT Hack and NO Spamming of Megas Type @Stats (numbers) to add fast Stats, Eg, @str 10, @int 10, @dex 10, @luk 10 If you have any problems Downloading the Client, Feel free to add us at or
Hamachi Servers iplusms1-10 Password - 1234 There is no Registration Page. You will just have to login with your own account id and password because there is auto registration. Please kindly create only one account per user(Unless necessary).Abusers will be ip-banned
Requirements to join our Server All of these can be Downloaded from this Website Maple Global Version 0.55 iPlusMs Maple Client Hamachi
Npcs in our Server Pet Seller - Mia (Henesys) 2Nd-4Th Job Advancer - Cody (Any Towns/Fm) 1St Job Advancer - 1St Job Advancer (Any Towns/Fm 3Rd Floor) Scroll Seller - Spiegelmann (Kerning) Rebirth - Type @rebirth Field of Judgement - Ria (Ellinia) Mount Seller - Thomas (Henesys) Skill Maxer - Duey (Any Town/FM) Ap Resetter & Neg Fix - Tommmy (FM) Henesys Party Quest - Tory (Free Market) Travelling - Spinel (All Towns/FM) Stars Seller - Spindle (Henesys) Nx Seller - Nana(H) (Henesys/FM) Gender Changer - Pietro (Free Market) Equipments Seller - 4Th Job Npcs (FM 4Th Floor) PVP map warper - Mr.GoldStein (FM) Gms List - Robin (FM)
After You have downloaded everything, install Maple global v0.55 and extract iPlusms client. After you have done that, Find the (Nexon) file in your and place the iPlusms client into the Nexon file. After that, just double click on the Client to start the game.
Don't forget to join our hamachi network!
Network Name - iplusms1-10
Network Password - 1234
Donates $5 (Choose Three)
1)25 White Scrolls 2)2 GM Scrolls 3)2x Exp(4 hours time slot) 4)20 Onyx Apple and 50million Mesos 5)Pink Adventurer Cape with 5Wa(clean) 6)Purple Aventurer Cape with 5Ma(clean) 7)1 Set of Crystal Ilbi
Donates $10 (Choose Three)
1)3 Set of Crystal Ilbi 2)55 White Scrolls 3)4 GM Scrolls+5 White Scrolls 4)45 Onyx Apple and 100 Million Mesos 5)A Choice Of These Pets (Yeti, Balrog, Rudolph, Male Or Female Dino, Turkey)
Donates $20 (Choose Three)
1)Zakum Helmet(3)50 to all Stats 2)Clean Sauna Robe with 50(dex/luk/int/str) 3)Any Choice of 1 Pet Except for Skunk 4)A Clean Level 110 Dragon Item of your Choice with 50(dex/luk/int/str) 5)120 White Scrolls 6)6 GM Scrolls+15 White Scrolls 7)Pink Aventurer Cape with 20Wa(clean) 8)Purple Aventurer Cape with 20Ma(clean) 9)Brown Work Glove with 20Wa(clean) 10)Brown Work Glove with 20Ma(clean) 11)8 Sets of Crystal Ilbi
Donates $25 (Choose Two)
1)10 Sets of Crystal Ilbi 2)140 White Scrolls
Donates $50 (Choose Two)
1)Brown Work Glove with 100Wa(clean) 2)Brown Work Glove with 100Ma(clean) 3)Pink Adventurer Cape with 100Wa(clean) 4)Purple Adventurer Cape with 100Ma(clean) 5)20 Sets of Crystal Ilbi